lunes, 19 de febrero de 2018

CAR: Question Your Book - Rubric

The second reading activity of the semester will cover the books "The Berlin Stories", "The Heat of the Day" and "The Dispossessed".

In this activity, which has larger teams, two people in the team will give a presentation much like the ones for previous books. The only difference will be that there will be no historical themes in it. This means the presentation will only cover the author, the plot of the book, and the book's historical context. There will be a strictly enforced time limit of 15 minutes. This presentation will be graded as follows:


Clear description of the author’s life, and how it’s connected to the writing and publication of the book in question.
Clear explanation of the book’s plot and main idea.
Clear connections are drawn between the author’s life, the book’s plot, the book’s cultural context, and the international context in which the book was created.

The other members of the team will each give an individual presentation with only one slide where they ask an essay question about their book's historical themes or historical context, and answer it as an oral presentation. There will be a strictly enforced time limit of 7 minutes per question. Each oral presentation should have a clear main idea, a clear development, and a conclusion, and will be graded as follows:


Clear question that is related to the historical themes or context of the book.
Answer has a clear main idea that answers the question directly and explains its reasons.
The main idea is developed in clear categories that relate back to the beginning of the essay.
The conclusion specifically summarizes the points made throughout the essay.
Bibliography is shown at the end.

Students may consult early drafts of their presentations in asesorías.

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