lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

CIGP: History (Unit 1, L3, January 20)

Recommended readings:

1. "Horizontal History" by T. Urban.

2. "Putting Time in Perspective" by T. Urban.

3. "The Future's in the Past" by S. Fry. Memorable quote: "History is memory; we have to remember what it is like to be a Roman, or a Jacobite or a Chartist or even - if we dare, and we should dare - a Nazi. History is not abstraction, it is the enemy of abstraction."

4. "Does it Help to Know History?" by A. Gopnik. Memorable quote: "What history generally “teaches” is how hard it is for anyone to control it, including the people who think they’re making it."

Remember to bring a laptop or an electronic tablet to class.

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