lunes, 19 de febrero de 2018

CMAC: A Jornada Electoral For The Ages (February 20)

Today we will start organizing a Jornada Electoral with the objective of understanding how presidential elections are run, supervised, and executed in Mexico. The twist is you won't be running to be the fake president of the class, but to propose a real activity we may do in the class if it wins.

Our main source of information will be INE's "Manual del funcionario de casilla".

Campaign Directors
Party Presidents
Chief Pollsters
Ana Sofía

Presidente de casilla
Secretario de casilla
Primer escrutador
Segundo Escrutador
Bruno Gómez
Francisco Tristán
María Espinosa
Francisco Ugalde
Omar Mora

INE Representative
Empadronador 1
Empadronador 2
Empadronador 3
Bruno Sánchez
María Montaño
Omar Arellano

Each candidate, presidente de casilla, and INE representative will pick their team, but they will have different tasks to perform.

Candidates and their teams must form an effective campaign for an activity to be done in our class. This activity should cover one of the topics from the class, it should be possible under Tec guidelines and rules (so proposing a free class or anything involving inappropriate behavior is not allowed), and it should be approved by Francisco before the end of Tuesday's class. Each campaign must create a diary where they carefully register their activity from each day with dates, events, and bylines.  In this context:
  • The candidate will be the face of the proposal. They must be the ones out in the classroom, with their face on at least one poster (which should be sent to the teacher before midnight on Tuesday), talking to voters to convince them to vote for their activity.
  • Campaign directors will decide on the candidate's strategy, plans, slogan, and schedule. Candidates have to focus on getting the message out, so campaign directors must have the proper images and messages ready for them, and make sure they are in line with the party president's guidelines and the trends found by the chief pollsters.
  • Party presidents are the ones in charge of coming up with a name for their political party, as well as its proposals, and making adjustments according to the type of campaign they want to run, any commitments they may have (for example, if the teacher asks for a deal when accepting or rejecting a proposal), the capabilities of the campaign director and the disposition of the candidate.
  • Chief pollsters must do at least two surveys per class (one before 9:25, another before 9:50) where they figure out how the electorate (i.e. the class) is responding to their candidate's activities and proposals, and how the candidate herself is perceived (positively or negatively). They should be able to produce at least two graphs per class where they show whether if the electorate is accepting or rejecting their candidate's campaign.
Presidentes de casilla and their teams must read the Manual carefully and be ready to manage the Jornada Electoral on Friday. Each casilla should work on producing a summarized version AND an infographic of the Manual, both of which may be accessed by anyone and understood without needing to read the entire manual. These should be ready by the end of Thursday's class.
  • The Presidente de casilla must make sure all members of the team understand their role and have a clear understanding of their own authority if any of the scenarios in Section IV of the manual were to happen. 
  • The Secretario de casilla must make themselves familiar with the Acta, figure out if their casilla will have representatives from any political party, and who it'll be. 
  • The Escrutadores must be familiar with every possible scenario that may present itself during a jornada electoral, and make sure they can supervise that everything goes smoothly. 
  • On the day of the Jornada Electoral (Friday), the four members will receive votes, but the presidente de casilla will be the one to count them with the help of the escrutadores. Afterwards, the secretario will fill out the acta, and the president will hang it up next to the spot where the casilla was placed. 
The INE representative and his team must:
  • Create formats for the boleta electoral, the credencial de elector, and the acta electoral. The should send these to the teacher before midnight on Tuesday. (These will be printed by the teacher before the election on Friday.)
  • Create a daily diary where they supervise the activities of both campaigns, making sure they are not violating electoral law by buying votes, bribing voters, or giving inaccurate information in their campaigns. The diary should have at least one daily report for each campaign, starting on Tuesday and including the Jornada Electoral itself on Friday.
  • Register voters during Thursday's class by making a comprehensive list of the voters in the district, and giving each one of them an official credencial de elector. (The credenciales will be provided by the teacher that day.)
  • On Friday, after the Jornada Electoral, they will receive the electoral packets and guard them with their life.
On Friday, before midnight, each team should upload to Blackboard the results of the week's work.
  • For campaign teams, this means their diary of daily activities.
  • For casilla teams, this means their infographic and study guide.
  • For INE representatives, this means their diary of the activities of both campaigns, and their voter registration file.
On Monday, we will have a group discussion about the week's work. :)

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